Dear Friends, July 25, 2011
Yesterday, Rev. Pat in her sermon taught us that dreams are the language of the soul, mentioning that for three weeks our lessons reference dreams. We should be true to our roots as people of God and turn to our dreams, as we seek to find our spiritual way apart from the rational materialism of the everyday world. Don't miss these special moments in Rev. Pat's preaching. Come and gather 'round, as scripture comes to life.. You will be lifted up and rewarded.
After the 10 AM service Angel, our Sexton, treated us all to a birthday lunch in the Library. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Angel !
It was a time of warm fellowship and fun. Several neighbors stopped by to share and join the celebration!
Thanks, Angel for all you do to help us and to lead in reaching out to the community..
We are off to a busy and energetic start with Rev. Pat.
But you are personally important to help write our next chapters!
Please make your personal commitment to be present in person on Sunday mornings -
to give Pat your ongoing Welcome, to support her and to share in the promise and fulfillment of the ministries, old and new, that are to be ours and hers.
New Workshop - If you are interested in your dreams and your Spiritual Development, please phone Rev. Pat. .
Ever wonder what the national church supports in parish development? Check out ts work in documenting parishes
in transformation...please visit
Rev. Pat is glad to hear from us - please make a note - phone number 732-428-2000 ;
e-mail: ;
mailing address: The Rev. Patricia Cashman, 185 Bennington Hills Court, West Henrietta, NY 14586
UPDATING PARISH DATABASE - Hear ye, Hear Ye - if as a parishioner you are not getting monthly
Messenger by email or if you have newer email address or suspect Office lacks your email, please send a note to: and get connected!! Thanks!
Kindly keep in your daily prayers all those in need of healing, and those who serve in our military forces.
To assist in our spiritual life, Forward Day by Day booklets are $.85 each in the Tower Room.
Are you important?...YES, YOU ARE!!! .If we want to grow and share God's prosperity of faith, we must love
God, love our friends and then speak openly to them. A congregation grows starting with each faithful person. God will help
us share the Bread of Life.....God will help us live into our Baptismal Covenant of sharing His word and our lives and resources.
We never know how ready a friend may be to hear a word of encouragement in faith. We never know when God will bring
someone to speak to us, to enrich our own life and the life of that person.
Be on the lookout, and ready to share your faith story.
ONGOING REQUEST: the MEEK food cupboard, our hands to feed our brothers and sisters, needs your
extra financial contributions [envelopes in church] and food donations [place items in back of church/Tower
Room], and also seeks volunteers to assist in this ministry. Please call Jan Wills 621-3900 if you can assist as a volunteer.
Checks, made out to MEEK, may be handed to Jan Wills or sent to the Church Office.
NEW OPPORTUNITY A A & A [Alice, Ascension and Art] Next meeting August 2 at Alice Dobbin's
home. How does the appearance of our Sanctuary tell the story of Ascension and proclaim the Cosmic Christ? Explore
Theology and Art Have fun. Learn about Art and the Sacred ...Call Alice for more details 663-0449 or call Rev. Pat.
Don't Miss This!! Women's Club- Noon on August 4th at the Red Bird Tea Shoppe, 25 Main St. Brockport.
Call Jan Wills 621-3900 by August 1 if you will be attending. Feel free to invite a friend!
YOUTH NEWS AND INFO-please note these dates/opportunities and stay tuned:
* STILL TIME -- IF YOU ARE ABLE, Please help defray the $200 kids' ticket-scholarship overrun from Seabreeze Sunday.
Kindly send your gift to Church Office, marked "Seabreeze". There is still time to help. Please do not hold back!
* CHECK OUT the Youth Group Team. DON'T HESITATE TO JOIN IN! Call Rev. Pat. The Church Community
Youth Partnership (CCYP) can use your help.
* Worship & Children, 10 AM Sundays - If you took Safe Church Training, please call Diane Santiago 254-8782 or email
* NEW - Planning a CCYP Boys' Sleepover For 7/30. 8/8 or 8/13. Men of Parish - can you assist? Call/email Diane Santiago
* NEW DATE - August 28 - Youth Group - Sticky Lips Pulled Pork BBQ....Fun and fund-raising for mission and events.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR to stay after church and be a part of this summery food and fellowship event!!!
TIME TO GET ON BOARD - CARE CLOSET Our new ministry to the neighborhood is
preparing to get off to a strong start in September. Would you like to help? Please call Nancy Lennox 663-5805, Jan Wills 621-3900
or Rev. Pat. Give this a try - You won't be sorry! And youth in our neighborhood will thank you!!
NEW LOOK! Our Messenger monthly newsletter format is being freshened. Your input of spiritual experiences is needed [pictures are encouraged]!! Check the new feature on page one of the June edition and please participate. This is part of the New Season of Ascension.
VOLUNTEERS WELCOME!! Coffee Hour after the 10 AM Sunday service is a wonderful opportunity to greet friends, old and new, and catch up on news. There are opportunities to host Coffee Hour in the weeks ahead. Won't you help this ministry? If not sure how to host, you may call Nancy Lennox at 663-5805 or Stu or Gene Denison at 663-0988. To sign up - see list in the back of the church or call 458-5423. Thanks!
As we share the good news of Rev. Pat's ministry, please catch the spirit and phone or visit a friend whom you've been meaning to contact. No one can do this but someone who is a friend!! This means us! There are many who would love a call and an invitation to church or whether you might pay them a visit. We can invite friends to accompany us to church - and take them out for brunch afterward!
To beautify our worship, in upcoming weeks there are opportunities for altar flowers. Will you take up this ministry to the glory of God and to our spirits? To donate, please contact Laurie Phillips, 865-2802 or email
If we wish to learn the true Meaning of Life, grow as Christians and share our love of God, we need to know and be able to share the stories of the Bible. Thursday Bible Study is in the Library at 9 AM. Please 'Come and See'. This is a time for reflection on Jesus’ teachings and how we model our faith to family, friends and all whom we meet. God’s Word guides such a process. Much food for thought and often refreshments to share. The study is of the Gospel Lesson for next Sunday, found below.
The Rochester Interfaith Jail Ministry asks your ongoing help - by donating through United Way or directly by check to R.I.J.M., 2 Riverside St., Rochester, NY 14613. This will bring books of healing and group sessions to those needing to start lives anew. Remember the Good Samaritan... Please answer this call. To volunteer, call 254-6790. The invitation to help is ongoing, so you are not late to the party! We recently began doing visits to the young men ages 16-19 in the Downtown Jail.
Many Thanks! Please include this ministry in your daily devotions:
Dear Lord, it is the human condition to want to be first, to “lord it” over
others. Help us as we visit our brothers and sisters in jail and prison to
remember that we are there to serve, and that as we sit in groups, that the
individuals who make up the group own it, not only we who visit. Give us your
grace, Lord, to be servants among our neighbors.
We pray for M. who has heard that his family is in trouble and he cannot help.
There is God's work for each of us when we see new people on Sunday or at an event.
Let's introduce ourselves and make them welcome. An invitation to chat at Coffee Hour is a great icebreaker. So is sitting with a new person and guiding her/him in the service, if this is a first or second time with us. We never know when we may entertain angels unaware!
Do you have a pocket card to hand to a friend who asks where you go to church? These cards are
on the table in the back of the church. Please take a few and be ready to share. We have some pocket
crosses, also, in the drawer for anyone who answers the call to "Come and See". This is all part of the
Growing Season of God.
Every season offers beautiful music to lift our hearts. This summer a bit of rain would
help. Here is an excerpt from the famous Water Music by George Friedrich Handel:
If you have a new or better email address for yourself, or know someone
who might like to receive this weekly e-letter, please send in that
information. If you would like other kinds of information, or have any suggestions
for this e-letter, please give me a shout. Thanks!
With the season of picnics upon us, below is a recipe for a super summer cabbage salad.
[We can also make extra for someone in need of our kindness.]
Blessings and all good wishes,
D. Dyson Gay
1 lb pkg. coleslaw mix DRESSING: 3 tbsp. sugar Bake sesame seeds and almonds for 15 minutes at 350 degrees to roast. Mix dressing ingredients. Set aside. Mix salad ingredients. Break up ramen noodles and sprinkle on top. Add dressing just prior to serving. Mix/toss well. |
Matthew 14:13-21
Jesus withdrew in a boat to a deserted place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns. When he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them and cured their sick. When it was evening, the disciples came to him and said, "This is a deserted place, and the hour is now late; send the crowds away so that they may go into the villages and buy food for themselves." Jesus said to them, "They need not go away; you give them something to eat." They replied, "We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish." And he said, "Bring them here to me." Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. And all ate and were filled; and they took up what was left over of the broken pieces, twelve baskets full. And those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children.
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