Dear Friends, October 25, 2010
Yesterday was the third week of our Stewardship Appeal 2011. If you are a member, please prayerfully lift up your heart and make your offering to God and to the work of this Parish. God asks us to grow in his love and service and support. If we are part of God's household, we do this by venturing to a new place of commitment. Please read the available materials - and lift your voice of thanks to God! A bright future awaits us when we reach up and out!
Rev. Denise's sermon can be found by clicking on the link to our blogspot: Please do visit this new weekly feature to reflect on her words. But it is so much more fulfilling to hear it in person!
Because -
For those who want to serve God, every Sunday is Homecoming Sunday. Please make it a point this fall to be in church regularly; or if you are weighing whether to make God's community important in your life, try coming for several Sundays in a row...
This past Saturday, Oct 23, we gave thanks for the life and earthly ministry of Fred Pomeroy. A large gathering at his Memorial Service lifted up hearts and voices. This coming Sunday, we will celebrate All Saints' Day. If you wish to have loved one[s] remembered by name, please call 458-5423 or email the office by Wednesday Noon. You may drop off a picture of loved one[s] to be remembered until Thursday Noon; the pictures will be placed in the church for the Sunday Services. Pick them up after the service.
Please keep in your prayers all those in need of healing, and those who serve in our military forces. Kindly also pray for the Search Committee and their work in this time of search. To assist in your spiritual life, Forward Day by Day booklets are $.85 each in the back of the Church [Tower Room].
Tomorrow is Frank Stolte's Birthday - to wish him a Happy Birthday, call him at 585-5849!
If we want to grow, we must love God, love our friends and then speak openly to them. A congregation grows starting with each faithful person. God will help us share the Bread of Life.....We never know how ready a friend may be to hear a word of encouragement in faith. We never know when God will bring someone to speak to us, and enrich our own life.
We seek a new and strong clergy leader, and our strength in numbers at worship speaks volumes of our true intentions. Please see yourself in community with others and prepared to greet and share. All are needed, all are important!
Next year will be the 125th Anniversary of the founding and of the ministry of Ascension. In preparation, let us draw closer to God's Spirit in the Season of Pentecost - to remind us of the power and blessing of the Holy Spirit to counsel, energize and sustain us all.. We honor our long history, but it is our future that must command our attention and energy.
The Ascension Piecemakers Quilt Group is offering a gorgeous queen-size quilt. Why? To prepare our beautiful church for the future, the Wardens and Vestry have plans to point the masonry of the Bell Tower. To help get this under way, the Quilters invite you to buy coupons. The quilt would be a handsome addition to any decor! Coupons are $2 or 3 for $5. All proceeds will go to the Bell Tower Restoration Project. You can see the quilt and get more details each Sunday at Coffee Hour.
PLEASE CALL IN YOUR RESERVATIONS ASAP! The Annual Roast Beef Dinner is Sat., November 6th. Adults $9.00; Kids 6-12 $5.00; under 6 FREE. call 458-5423 Mon-Th 9-2, or you may sign up in church. Thanks to our teams of Chefs and Planners, we have more memorable dinners and other parties upcoming.
Sat. March 5th, 2011 SPAGHETTI
Sat. April 30th, 2011 CHICKEN & BISCUIT
Fri. June 3rd, 2011 LOBSTER
PLEASE MAKE NOTE!!! Gourmets everywhere are dreaming of these dinners!!
As we think of our own dinners, let us remember to help the MEEK food cupboard, by shopping ahead for our friends in need at Christmas - -frozen turkeys, stuffing mixes, cranberry sauce, one-pound hams....More details to follow. Can you volunteer to help? Call Jan Wills - 621-3900.
The Ascension Women's Group will meet in the Library Thursday, November 4 at Noon; please bring a sandwich, beverages and dessert provided. The annual Christmas Luncheon will be December 9 at Rick's Prime Rib House. Details available from Jan Wills - 621-3900.
Please call Debbie Lanceri of Catholic Family Center 546-7220 ext 4621 for details. This is an exciting new interfaith opportunity.
Here is how to recycle all those spare calendars that come in the mail! - calendars are needed, and also Christmas cards, for our friends at Aaron Manor. Give them to Ellie Swarts or leave in Office. Thanks!
Coffee Hour is a wonderful opportunity to greet friends, old and new, and catch up on news. There are opportunities to host Coffee Hour in the weeks ahead. Won't you help this ministry? If not sure how to host the Coffee Hour, you may call Nancy Lennox at 663-5805 or Stu or Gene Denison at 663-0988. To sign up - see list in the back of the church or call 458-5423.
Please visit or call a friend who is not able to get out or whom you've been meaning to contact. There are many who would love a call and an invitation to church or an inquiry as to when you might pay a visit. With good weather, we can invite friends to accompany us to church - and take them out for brunch afterward!
The COFFEE CONNECTION at Ascension has changed - for your supply, please now visit the store at 681 Gregory Street [between Hickory and Gregory Sts]. Still the same wonderful blends, at great prices.
Altar flowers are an outstanding ministry of beauty and love. Will you take up this ministry to the glory of God and to our spirits? To donate altar flowers, please contact Laurie Phillips, 865-2802 or email There are openings on several Sundays upcoming.
If we wish to grow as Christians and share our love of God, we need to know the stories of the Bible. Thursday Bible Study is in the Library at 9 AM. Please 'Come and See'. In this season, the lessons confirm what we are to do as disciples. There is food for thought and often refreshments to share. The study is of the Gospel Lesson for next Sunday, found below. No Bible Thumping, just good conversation!!
The Rochester Interfaith Jail Ministry asks your ongoing help - by donating through United Way or directly by check to R I J M, 2 Riverside St., Rochester, NY 14613. This will bring books of healing and group sessions to those needing to start lives anew. Remember the Good Samaritan... Please answer this call. To volunteer, call 254-6790. The invitation to help is ongoing, so you are not late to the party! Someone recently made and ongoing United Way designation for R I J M. Many Thanks!
When we see new people on Sunday or at an event, let's introduce ourselves and make them welcome. An invitation to chat at Coffee Hour is a great ice-breaker. So is sitting with a new person and even inviting them to brunch after church. This is a part of God's work for each and every one of us.
Do you have a pocket card to hand to a friend who asks about Ascension? Cards are on the table in the back of the church. Please take a few, and be ready to share. We have pocket crosses in the table drawer to hand to those who answer the call to "Come and See"..
If you have a new or better email address for yourself, or know someone who might like to receive this weekly e-letter, please email me that information.
D. Dyson Gay
P.S. Next Sunday, we will sing For All The Saints - here is a video of that All Saints' Day hymn:
P.P.S. Please see below for this week's recipe - Healthy Pumpkin Soup. Don't forget to share with a friend, too!
If you have a recipe you would like to share, please send it in!
The Gospel for next Sunday is:
Luke 6:20-31
6:20 Then he looked up at his disciples and said: "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
6:21 "Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. "Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
6:22 "Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you, revile you, and defame you on account of the Son of Man.
6:23 Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, for surely your reward is great in heaven; for that is what their ancestors did to the prophets.
6:24 "But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation.
6:25 "Woe to you who are full now, for you will be hungry. "Woe to you who are laughing now, for you will mourn and weep.
6:26 "Woe to you when all speak well of you, for that is what their ancestors did to the false prophets.
6:27 "But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
6:28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.
6:29 If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt.
6:30 Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for them again.
6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Yesterday was the third week of our Stewardship Appeal 2011. If you are a member, please prayerfully lift up your heart and make your offering to God and to the work of this Parish. God asks us to grow in his love and service and support. If we are part of God's household, we do this by venturing to a new place of commitment. Please read the available materials - and lift your voice of thanks to God! A bright future awaits us when we reach up and out!
Rev. Denise's sermon can be found by clicking on the link to our blogspot: Please do visit this new weekly feature to reflect on her words. But it is so much more fulfilling to hear it in person!
Because -
For those who want to serve God, every Sunday is Homecoming Sunday. Please make it a point this fall to be in church regularly; or if you are weighing whether to make God's community important in your life, try coming for several Sundays in a row...
This past Saturday, Oct 23, we gave thanks for the life and earthly ministry of Fred Pomeroy. A large gathering at his Memorial Service lifted up hearts and voices. This coming Sunday, we will celebrate All Saints' Day. If you wish to have loved one[s] remembered by name, please call 458-5423 or email the office by Wednesday Noon. You may drop off a picture of loved one[s] to be remembered until Thursday Noon; the pictures will be placed in the church for the Sunday Services. Pick them up after the service.
Please keep in your prayers all those in need of healing, and those who serve in our military forces. Kindly also pray for the Search Committee and their work in this time of search. To assist in your spiritual life, Forward Day by Day booklets are $.85 each in the back of the Church [Tower Room].
Tomorrow is Frank Stolte's Birthday - to wish him a Happy Birthday, call him at 585-5849!
If we want to grow, we must love God, love our friends and then speak openly to them. A congregation grows starting with each faithful person. God will help us share the Bread of Life.....We never know how ready a friend may be to hear a word of encouragement in faith. We never know when God will bring someone to speak to us, and enrich our own life.
We seek a new and strong clergy leader, and our strength in numbers at worship speaks volumes of our true intentions. Please see yourself in community with others and prepared to greet and share. All are needed, all are important!
Next year will be the 125th Anniversary of the founding and of the ministry of Ascension. In preparation, let us draw closer to God's Spirit in the Season of Pentecost - to remind us of the power and blessing of the Holy Spirit to counsel, energize and sustain us all.. We honor our long history, but it is our future that must command our attention and energy.
The Ascension Piecemakers Quilt Group is offering a gorgeous queen-size quilt. Why? To prepare our beautiful church for the future, the Wardens and Vestry have plans to point the masonry of the Bell Tower. To help get this under way, the Quilters invite you to buy coupons. The quilt would be a handsome addition to any decor! Coupons are $2 or 3 for $5. All proceeds will go to the Bell Tower Restoration Project. You can see the quilt and get more details each Sunday at Coffee Hour.
PLEASE CALL IN YOUR RESERVATIONS ASAP! The Annual Roast Beef Dinner is Sat., November 6th. Adults $9.00; Kids 6-12 $5.00; under 6 FREE. call 458-5423 Mon-Th 9-2, or you may sign up in church. Thanks to our teams of Chefs and Planners, we have more memorable dinners and other parties upcoming.
Sat. March 5th, 2011 SPAGHETTI
Sat. April 30th, 2011 CHICKEN & BISCUIT
Fri. June 3rd, 2011 LOBSTER
PLEASE MAKE NOTE!!! Gourmets everywhere are dreaming of these dinners!!
As we think of our own dinners, let us remember to help the MEEK food cupboard, by shopping ahead for our friends in need at Christmas - -frozen turkeys, stuffing mixes, cranberry sauce, one-pound hams....More details to follow. Can you volunteer to help? Call Jan Wills - 621-3900.
The Ascension Women's Group will meet in the Library Thursday, November 4 at Noon; please bring a sandwich, beverages and dessert provided. The annual Christmas Luncheon will be December 9 at Rick's Prime Rib House. Details available from Jan Wills - 621-3900.
Please call Debbie Lanceri of Catholic Family Center 546-7220 ext 4621 for details. This is an exciting new interfaith opportunity.
Here is how to recycle all those spare calendars that come in the mail! - calendars are needed, and also Christmas cards, for our friends at Aaron Manor. Give them to Ellie Swarts or leave in Office. Thanks!
Coffee Hour is a wonderful opportunity to greet friends, old and new, and catch up on news. There are opportunities to host Coffee Hour in the weeks ahead. Won't you help this ministry? If not sure how to host the Coffee Hour, you may call Nancy Lennox at 663-5805 or Stu or Gene Denison at 663-0988. To sign up - see list in the back of the church or call 458-5423.
Please visit or call a friend who is not able to get out or whom you've been meaning to contact. There are many who would love a call and an invitation to church or an inquiry as to when you might pay a visit. With good weather, we can invite friends to accompany us to church - and take them out for brunch afterward!
The COFFEE CONNECTION at Ascension has changed - for your supply, please now visit the store at 681 Gregory Street [between Hickory and Gregory Sts]. Still the same wonderful blends, at great prices.
Altar flowers are an outstanding ministry of beauty and love. Will you take up this ministry to the glory of God and to our spirits? To donate altar flowers, please contact Laurie Phillips, 865-2802 or email There are openings on several Sundays upcoming.
If we wish to grow as Christians and share our love of God, we need to know the stories of the Bible. Thursday Bible Study is in the Library at 9 AM. Please 'Come and See'. In this season, the lessons confirm what we are to do as disciples. There is food for thought and often refreshments to share. The study is of the Gospel Lesson for next Sunday, found below. No Bible Thumping, just good conversation!!
The Rochester Interfaith Jail Ministry asks your ongoing help - by donating through United Way or directly by check to R I J M, 2 Riverside St., Rochester, NY 14613. This will bring books of healing and group sessions to those needing to start lives anew. Remember the Good Samaritan... Please answer this call. To volunteer, call 254-6790. The invitation to help is ongoing, so you are not late to the party! Someone recently made and ongoing United Way designation for R I J M. Many Thanks!
When we see new people on Sunday or at an event, let's introduce ourselves and make them welcome. An invitation to chat at Coffee Hour is a great ice-breaker. So is sitting with a new person and even inviting them to brunch after church. This is a part of God's work for each and every one of us.
Do you have a pocket card to hand to a friend who asks about Ascension? Cards are on the table in the back of the church. Please take a few, and be ready to share. We have pocket crosses in the table drawer to hand to those who answer the call to "Come and See"..
If you have a new or better email address for yourself, or know someone who might like to receive this weekly e-letter, please email me that information.
D. Dyson Gay
P.S. Next Sunday, we will sing For All The Saints - here is a video of that All Saints' Day hymn:
P.P.S. Please see below for this week's recipe - Healthy Pumpkin Soup. Don't forget to share with a friend, too!
If you have a recipe you would like to share, please send it in!
The Gospel for next Sunday is:
Luke 6:20-31
6:20 Then he looked up at his disciples and said: "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
6:21 "Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. "Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
6:22 "Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you, revile you, and defame you on account of the Son of Man.
6:23 Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, for surely your reward is great in heaven; for that is what their ancestors did to the prophets.
6:24 "But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation.
6:25 "Woe to you who are full now, for you will be hungry. "Woe to you who are laughing now, for you will mourn and weep.
6:26 "Woe to you when all speak well of you, for that is what their ancestors did to the false prophets.
6:27 "But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
6:28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.
6:29 If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt.
6:30 Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods, do not ask for them again.
6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Servings: 4
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 onion, chopped
- 2 lbs pumpkin, chopped (but canned is fine)
- 1 carrot
- 3 sprigs fresh rosemary
- 4 cups chicken stock or 4 cups vegetable stock
- 3 bay leaves
- 1 cup skim milk powder
Prep Time: 10 mins
Total Time: 40 mins
- In a large saucepan, heat olive oil and gently cook onion without browning, for 3-4 minutes.
- Add pumpkin, carrot and rosemary and cook,stirring for 2-3 minutes.
- Add stock and bay leaves.
- Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes until vegetables are tender.
- Remove any rosemary stalks and bay leaves.
- Place a third of the soup in the blender with a third of the skim milk powder and puree.
- Pour into a large bowl.
- Repeat with the remaining soup and milk powder and pour all back into the saucepan, heat through and serve.
- For Vegetarian use vegetable stock.
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